As you may know, the Government recently turned down the recommendation of the Committee for Culture, Media and Sport to exempt music venues of 200 capacity or less from the provisions of the Licensing Act 2003, that require them to be licensed for live music events.The Number 10 live music petition calling on the Prime Minister to implement new entertainment licensing exemptions for small gigs reached 8,000 signatures this morning:
In just over three weeks it has risen to 23rd in the list of over
5,000 petitions on the Number 10 website. But many more signaturesare needed if the petition is to make an impact on the press and politicians. If you haven’t already signed, please consider signing and circulating the petition link.
The Licensing Act 2003 was a dog s dinner with regard to its treatment of live music. For reasons that the Government has never explained, widescreen television in pubs was not subjected to the licensing regime that it imposed on live music. There was in fact no requirement to license music in the first place, as Local Authorities already had sufficient powers to deal with issues of public disorder or overcrowding and any other perceived perils. The truth is that the Government did not know what they were doing or why and their advisors at the DCMS were equally ignorant.
Do please take three or four minutes to sign the petition. Then please forward this email to all your music-loving friends and colleagues.
Ros Gasson