Photos 2008 Tutors 3 legged race 2008 Aly White 2008 Bridget Law 2008 Group 2008 Ali, Kath, Fiona, Keira, Susan & Sandra Bridgets Class Live 2008 Catherine & Isobelle 2008 Coffee break 2008 Cumberland Square 8 2008 Donnie the barman. 2007 Famous Victory 2008 Who mentioned Hooters Group 2008 Hats at the Taransay Inn 2008 Helicopter 2008 Iain & Willy 2008 Kath & Susan…… & Dolan too Ladies Tug of war 2008 Malt-fuelled fiddling 2008 Marquee 2008 Piper at the Tarbert concert 2008 Scott 2008 Scott, Dolan & Colin 2008 Steve H 2008 taransay2008 Taransay Camp 2008 Tarbert Ceilidh 2008 Tea time The ark 2008 The Band 2008 The Blow up Pub Tarbert 2008 Old Macleods Motel 2008 Author: dmorrison Dolan Morrison is Chairman of Fidhleirean Eilean an Fhraoich and the first point of contact for anybody interested in coming to Taransay Fiddle Camp. View all posts by dmorrison